The Cuzzy's Cool Pictures Site
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Hosted Pics Page

KatsuCon '04 Gallery

My WoS Skins Page

Favorite Links

Hiya From The Cuzzy!!
This is the site where all my cool sprite edits will be displayed for all to view. In addition to my stuff, I'll also put up lots of neat things for you to look at and enjoy!
Site Updates
So What ELSE Is Here?
Well, I don't just put pics here. I'm also putting up links to my favorite sites and links to sites that *I've* created! Isn't that neato? ^_^

Words of Caution Before Proceeding
This site ain't exactly serious-minded. Crazy-ness and zany-ness abound in great migrating herds throughout this private reserve. Those without even a small sense of humor should not proceed further! Also, I'm into Bishounen (that's Japanese for "cute guys") and YAOI. If you don't know what "yaoi" stands for or if you know but don't like it, then run-run-run away as fast as you can!

Other Junk
If you wish to donate something for me to display for you on this site, or you just wanna ask me a question, then feel free to e-mail me!!
Talk To Me Peoples!!

The Cuzzy's Page O' Pics